The 7 Major Energy Centers

Believe it or not, it is possible to intentionally direct your moans toward each of the 7 major energy centers (chakras) of your body, to alleviate your bod from feeling stiff and rigid to feeling supple, flexible and agile again. If you’re feeling restricted, confined, or stuck in your relationships, chances are you’re feeling that way in your chakras, your mind and your body all at the same time.

Moaning is really multi-dimensional when you think about it, just like us!


How difficult or easy it is for your moan to emerge and where it originates in your body, can provide you with important insights.

The level of ease or difficulty you have with your moan, can indicate what interventions might be needed to help you move out of a mentally, physically, emotionally, sexually or spiritually stuck place. It is absolutely possible to realign your chakra’s through the powerful act of conscious moaning!

self-healing and community-healing

You can realign your energy centers on your own, or you can find a practitioner who has years of insights, wisdom and practice with energy, healing and sound vibrations to help you begin or support you (shameless plug) ;-).

Finding your moan helps you get to know yourself, your energy, and your body better, from the inside out. Not only is moaning a great tool for self-healing and self-pleasuring but it’s also a powerful tool for our collective healing! Many African diasporic communities around the world collectively moan to process grief and other emotions as a collective. Your community may already do this in ways that you may not even realize.

An example of how moaning through the chakras can work for you...

Let’s say that you are having difficulty expressing your pleasure, your needs, desires, or actual moans when being intimate with your partner. Maybe you are self-conscious about making sounds, or you don’t think that moaning is appropriate for someone who looks like you. If you keep your voice silent even when you are experiencing pleasure this may have a deeper meaning for you than you may realize - it could even lead back to past social conditioning or even physical or emotional trauma.

For example, some people feel that being stoic makes you present in a certain way to people, perhaps this means you appear “strong” and “impenetrable” sexy and desirable even - you’ve heard the term, “the strong silent type”. However, this silence can also leave a person closed off from their partners during intimacy, in ways that they might not even realize. If you find that this does impact your self-intimacy and partnered-intimacy in ways that you do not desire, this may be both a throat issue as well as a solar plexus one.


Self-censoring and not allowing certain pleasurable energy in, can be a throat chakra issue. Stifling your moan, may stifle your breath, your voice and your ability to let erotic energy into your body or may prevent old, stale energy from leaving. Stagnant energy in the throat can look like frequent sore throats, teeth issues, gum issues, feeling like a lump is in the throat. If closing off your moan or voice during pleasure or pain, is ultimately about a desire to maintain a “strong” appearance, or a wall of protection, this can likely be a throat issue accompanied by a solar plexus issue.


The Solar Plexus, the area just above our belly button deals with our relationship with dominance and submission, power and control. Solar plexus blocks may look like, digestion issues, reflux, slow bowels, IBS, constipation, diarrhea, gas and bloating, low energy.  Another solar plexus block can present as an inability to project your voice far enough for others to hear you well, or feel confident in your words, especially when it really counts. Or just the opposite, you may experience a lot of anger, rage and frustration. And of course there is always the both/and, meaning may experience it ALL which really can stir up your nervous system.


From my own experience as an evolving, multi-dimensional human who has experienced complex trauma and silenced her voice, I’ve learned that stifling your own voice can impact your relationship with yourself and others whom you want to be more intimate and communicative with - be they family, friends, lovers, partners, co-workers, spouses or community.

As an erotic healing practitioner who has gained lots of insights working with folks over the decades, I’ve seen how silencing yourself can stop you from experiencing the full breadth of sensations and emotions that your body is capable of knowing.

Something new, different and liberating happens when you consciously access your moan, IN ALL OF IT’S FORMS, WITHin in the deep recesses of your wise and magical body.



To put moaning through the chakras into practice, join me for a 60 minute zoom class Thursday June 13 at 7:00 pm (Eastern Daylight time), where we will have fun finding our pleasurable moans and locating which energy centers we are activating in our bodies!

Black Girl Tantra’s services, workshops, retreats and trainings are creative, practical, immersive and beyond this world transformational for ALL BODIES!

Click the link above to talk with Maisha about speaking, writing an erotic activist piece, or finding your erotic moan!